
You are most welcome to my little corner of the internet. Here you will find the people who have supported me in getting back to Uganda, my honest thoughts in preparation to leave again, and the journey of working with war-affected children and families in Gulu, Uganda. Oh, and obviously all things expressed here are my thoughts and do not necessarily reflect Partners Worldwide (nor anyone else I'm associated with, just to keep you all safe.) :)

Monday, September 8, 2008

The things that make me come alive.

Highlights of answering phone calls for 11 hours today:

Seeing a rainbow outside at 7:45 am, lovely way to start the day.

Practicing a bit of my dormant Kiswahili with a Congolese couple who came in for an appointment this afternoon.

Knowing that I'm going to leave in a few minutes to put some warmer clothes on and meet my dear friend Sara downtown.

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